This research assessed the impact of procedures for planning a project have on the performance of dairy projects in Rwanda. In particular, the study aimed to: (a) assess the impact of human resource planning on the performance of the RDDP; (b) assess the effect of financial planning on the performance of the RDDP; (c) assess the effect of material usage planning on the performance of the RDDP; and (d) evaluate the impact of time planning on the performance of the RDDP. To realize these goals, the study adopted a descriptive research design using quantitative methods and targeted 328 project personnel in the RDDP, Musanze district. The sample size included 77 randomly selected respondents. Structured questionnaires and documentary reviews were used to collect data, which was then analyzed using frequencies, means, standard deviations, and regression analysis. Findings revealed that the HR department is always included in the procedures of planning the projects, and the project has enough skilled staff (Mean = 3.65), the project personnel are given adequate pay as an incentive (Mean = 4.01), and they have sufficient funding. Graduates to do their job (Mean = 3.89) are regularly trained to improve their skills (Mean = 3.99). Project costs were accurately and accurately (Mean = 4.36) and the project budget was properly determined and allocated to activities (Mean = 3.87). Project funds were disbursed on time for tasks of the projects (Mean = 3.89) and budgeted funds were sufficient to complete the project on time (Mean = 4.32). Project costs were kept for all project phases (Mean = 3.68), and managers tracked the performance of project allocated resources (Mean = 3.98). Tasks of the projects are well defined in the planning stage of the project (Mean = 3.78), schedules are developed in the planning stage and followed in all phases (Mean = 3.78), there is extensive use of resource calendars for all work (Mean = 4.05), the duration of all work is well balanced and accurately (Mean = 3.62). Findings showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between human resource planning (r =.527, p-value =.000< .05), financial planning (r =.805, p-value =.001<.05), material usage planning (r =.547, p-value =.002,.05), time planning (r =.673; p-value =.011<.05) and the performance of projects. Overall, there was a strong correlation between project planning procedures and project performance (R = 0.787), and project planning practices account for 62.7% of the variation in project performance (adjusted at R square =.627). The study concluded that effective planning practices are important in enhancing the realization of the project outcomes within time, quality and cost constraints and provide value for money to the beneficiaries.
Key words: Project, planning, time planning, financial planning, material planning, performance, RDDP, dairy cattle projects
CITATION: Masengesho, J. C., Dushimimana, J. D., & Bihira, A. M. (2022). Effect of project planning practices on the performance of dairy cattle projects in Rwanda: A case of Rwanda Dairy Development Project, in Musanze District (2018-2020). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1116 – 1135.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2322
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