Despite considerable efforts directed at reducing the number of deaths, injuries and ill health, construction industry has remained one with the highest rates of fatal and major injuries. However, Occupational health and Safety training is key to implementation of an effective health and Safety system. In this regard the study sought to find out the impact of safety training on implementation of occupational health and safety. The study adopted a case study research design with a target population of 5160 employees drawn from the six sub counties of Kipkelion East, Kipkelion West, Belgut. Ainamoi, Bureti andSoin-Sigowet in Kericho County. Cluster random sampling technique was used with a sample size of 361 employees arrived at by use of Krejcie and Morgan table of 1970.Data was collected by use of questionnaires from the respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of both inferential statistics such as multiple regression while descriptive statistics such as mean and frequencies using SPSS version 20. From the regression results safety training and induction explained R2=0. 0.586 indicated that the model explained only 58.6% percent variation on implementation of occupational health and safety. From the findings regression coefficient β values for safety training and induction 0.766 which was positive. The positive β values indicate the direction of relationship between predictor and outcome. The study therefore concludes that safety training and induction positively and significantly affect the implementation of OHS in the construction industry. The study therefore recommends safety training and induction in order to promote OHS in the construction sites.
Key words: Safety training, Induction and occupational health and safety
CITATION: Kipchirchir, P. K., & Owiti, J. O. (2022). Effect of safety training on implementation of occupational health and safety management in the construction industry. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 266 -273.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i3.2366
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