Freight Security Management, and more explicitly in humanitarian value chains, is a subject that has drawn a great deal of consideration from researchers and practitioners in the recent past. The current study sought to answer the question does freight security management influence the operational performance of humanitarian value chains in Kenya? The study adopted a cross-sectional design. A target population of 100 respondents was studied through the census method from humanitarian organizations in Kenya. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information, whereas descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze the data. Scrutiny of the results of linear regression analysis indicated that freight security management significantly predicted the operational performance of the organizations (r=.659, p=0.000). The study recommended partnering with firms that offer track and trace services for goods, acquiring a track and trace technology and training their employees in freight security management to understand their role in overall organizational performance.
Key Words: Freight Security, Humanitarian Organizations, Performance, Value Chains
CITATION: Wachieni, L., & Ndolo, J. (2022). Does freight security management enable operational performance of humanitarian value chains in Kenya?. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 633 – 639.
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