The main objective of this study was to find out how communication, Commitment and Cooperation strategies influence supply chain performance in selected supermarkets in Bujumbura. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the influence of communication strategy on supply chain performance in selected supermarkets in Bujumbura; to explore how commitment strategy influence supply chain performance in selected supermarkets in Bujumbura and lastly to examine the influence of cooperation strategy on supply chain performance in selected supermarkets in Bujumbura. The study was guided by lean supply theory, agility theory and agency theory. Descriptive research design was applied in the formulation of knowledge on the contribution of supply chain management practices on the performance of supermarkets in Burundi and also provides recommendations to areas that require improvement. The target population for the study was789 procurement, finance managers and stores department employees drawn from 15 supermarkets located in Bujumbura according to Investment Promotion Agency of Burundi (API). Using Slovin formulae, the study used a sample of 234 respondents. The study applied both primary and secondary data. Structured questionnaires research technique was used to get primary data from employees in the procurement, store and finance departments who were mostly involved in supply chain management. Reliability of the instrument was done to measure stability and consistency of the questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was done to check whether it is measuring what it purports to measure. Analytical research was used to analyze secondary data. Both quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used during data presentation. Pilot testing was done on 25 respondents to test and improve the flow and the clarity of the questionnaire before the actual collection of data. Data was analyzed and presented inform of frequency tables and charts. The findings showed that the supply chain management practices statistically significantly influence the procurement performance of selected supermarkets in Bujumbura in Burundi, F (4, 259) = 64.223, p< .05, R2 = .559 at p- value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05
Key Words: Supplier Relationship Management, Supermarkets in Bujumbura, Supply Chain Performance
CITATION: Ndayishimiye, D., & Barasa, P. W. (2022). Influence of supplier relationship management strategies on supply chain performance in selected supermarkets in Bujumbura. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1342 – 1358.
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