The purpose of this study was to ascertain if the Ngara Park Road Housing Project and the Ngara Park Road Project would be completed depending on how stakeholders were involved. The study's goals were to examine how stakeholders' involvement in project identification, implementation, planning, and monitoring and evaluation affect project performance of the Ngara Par. The system, stakeholder, stewardship, and ladder of involvement theories served as the foundation for the research. Both a descriptive survey design and a cluster sampling technique were used in the investigation. The Ngara Park Road Project was the intended audience. Information was gathered using semi-structured questionnaires and interview schedules. The quantitative data was examined using multiple regression and descriptive modeling. Data were shown in tabular or other representations. Subject matter and discourse analysis were employed to look into and comprehend qualitative information from interview sessions. The study found that projects with stakeholder engagement in project identification performed much better. The study also found that stakeholder involvement needs time for effective cost and resource planning, which helps to achieve good project performance; Ngara housing project's efficacy is increased by the proposal planning procedure, as does financial contribution; the Housing Project had a proper project plan and project identifying includes being able at the reduced ranks of the participatory staircase to play a significant role in project identification. According to the report, the Ngara Park Road Housing Project performs better when stakeholders are involved. According to the report, project managers should make sure that stakeholders are involved in many elements of a project. In order to guarantee key and personal commitment of stakeholders to their commitments, project managers should implement procedures that make signing of stakeholders as comprehensive as feasible.
Key Words: Project Identification, Implementation, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Kipkoech, A., & Gachengo, L. (2022). Stakeholder participation and performance of Ngara Park Road Housing project in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1728 – 1747.
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