The goal of this study was to ascertain how strategic management practices affect Kenya Railways Corporation performance. The study's four primary objectives were to: investigate the impact of strategic leadership, strategic alliance, strategic innovation, and resource allocation on Kenya Railways Corporation performance. The study reviewed the relevant literature and formulated theories which included: strategic management theory, diffusion of innovation theory, institutional theory, and resource-based theory. 32 Kenya Railways Corporation employees were identified as the target population. 30 of these formed the sample size. Quantitative research design and logical positivism was adopted for the study. The instrument for gathering data was a semi-structured questionnaire. Both inferential and descriptive statistics, particularly regression analysis was done using SPSS, and used to analyze and interpret the data. Cronbach alpha coefficient of all the variables were above 0.70 hence were considered adequate to test reliability of this study and validity of the questionnaire was ensured using experts’ opinion and literature review. Data was presented in tables. In order to draw conclusions, secondary data was combined with the primary data and was acquired from books, research literature, publications, and other relevant scientific writings. The findings from the study were that strategic leadership, strategic alliance, strategic innovation and resources allocation had a positive and significant relationship with performance of the Kenya Railways Corporation. The study recommended that strategic leadership should be improved by training leaders on governance and ensuring ethics. Also, it recommended that the organization should work to establish partnerships in business as this would improve its performance. Another recommendation was that innovative measures like improvement of existing infrastructure to suit the modern generation could be considered. Lastly, the government was encouraged to ensure proper financing of the projects by the Kenya Railways Corporation and improve its monitoring and evaluation framework as this would help the organization’s performance.
Key Words: Strategic Leadership, Strategic Alliance, Strategic Innovation, Resource Allocation
CITATION: Kamwere, B. M., & Murigi, E. (2023). Strategic management practices and performance of Kenya Railways Corporation at the headquarters, Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 454 – 475.
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