The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of flexible working arrangements on employee satisfaction in Kenya Ports Authority. Drawing on the positivist research philosophy, the study employed a correlational, cross-sectional survey research design to test the formulated research hypotheses. The study adopted descriptive research design, where 2913 employees of KPA were targeted. The study used Krejcie and Morgan formulae to determine a sample size of 291 employees of the organization and stratified sampling technique was also used. Structured questionnaires in form of Likert Scale was used to collect data from the respondents using drop and pick method. Both inferential and descriptive statistical tools was done using SPSS version 24, to analyze the collected data. The study found that there were positive and significant relationships between employee satisfaction and flexible job-sharing arrangement, flexible time working arrangement, flexible shift working arrangement and flexible workplace arrangement. It was also determined that there was a significant relationship between flexible time working arrangement practices and employee satisfaction (r = 0.397; p=0.000) and it was also revealed that an improvement of flexible time working arrangement practices would significantly contribute to improvement in employees’ employee satisfaction (β= 0.232; t= 4.333; p=0.000). On the third objective, it was determined that shift work practices significantly affect employee satisfaction (r= 0.418; p= 0.000) and an improvement of shift work practices will significantly lead to employee satisfaction (β=0.269; t=4.859; p=0.000). On the final objective it was determined that flexible workplace arrangement significantly affects employee satisfaction (r= 0.226; p= 0.000) and an improvement of flexible workplace arrangement will significantly contribute to the improvement of employee satisfaction (β=0.269; t=4.859; p=0.000). Based on study analysis and findings, this study concluded that flexible work arrangements (flexible job-sharing arrangement, flexible time working arrangement, shift work practices and flexible workplace arrangement) significantly affects employee satisfaction and an improvement of each factor will significantly contribute to improved employee satisfaction. Managers should provide flexible work arrangements considerations such as giving employees flexibility on when to begin and end work as long as they meet the target since this influence’s performance.
Key Words: Flexible Job-Sharing, Time Working, Shift Working, Workplace Arrangement
CITATION: Badia, P. J., Gichinga, L., & Kising’u, T. (2023). Flexible working arrangements and employee satisfaction in Kenya Ports Authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 729 – 748.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i1.2576
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