This research examined the effect of capital structure on financial performance of firms listed at NSE. To achieve this, the researcher used Debt ratio, Equity ratio and retained earnings as independent variable and Return on Equity as the dependent variable. The research adopted a descriptive research design using census method where the target population comprised of all the firms listed at NSE. The study relied on secondary data obtained from NSE, CMA, CBK, companies published financial statements and other published information. The data collected was for the period from 2016 to 2020. Data analysis and presentation involved computation of ratios, measures of spread and measures of central tendencies which included mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum. In addition, inferential statistics were utilized with computation of co-efficient of correlation. Regression analysis was used to express the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. The researcher used tables to present the analyzed data for interpretation and explanation. From the analysis results, the study established that debt ratio negatively but significantly affects financial performance of NSE listed firms in Kenya. This was shown by a beta value of -0.186 and sig value of 0.033<0.05. The results bear the implications that increasing the levels of debt ratio with one-unit results to 0.186 unit’s reduction in the levels of financial performances of the NSE listed firms. The results also implied that equity ratio have a positive but insignificant effect on financial performance of NSE listed firms. This is shown by a beta value of 0.098 and sig value of 0.285>0.05. The results implied that increasing equity ratio with one-unit results to an increase of 0.098 units on financial performances of the NSE listed firms. Retained earnings on the other hand positively and significantly affects financial performance of NSE listed firms in Kenya. This is shown by a beta value of 0.365 and sig value of 0.001<0.05. The results implied that increasing retained earnings with one-unit results to an increase of 0.365 units on financial performances of the NSE listed firms. The study recommended the management of the NSE listed firms to enhance their levels of retained earnings as well as equity ratios since the practices bears a positive effect on financial performances.
Key Words: Equity Ratio, Retained Earnings, Return on Equity, Capital Structure
CITATION: Muli, J., & Ibrahim, A. (2023). Capital structure on financial performance for firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 141 –152.
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