This study evaluated how Women Repatriate Association in Burundi (WRAB) performance was affected by mobilization of resources, objectives being: to explicitly find out the influence of acquisition of financial resource on performance of WRAB, to assess the effect of mapping human resources on performance of WRAB and to gauge the influence of acquisition of physical resources on performance of WRAB. Resource based theory by Wernerfelt (1984), resource mobilization theory by Buechler (2009) and Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (1984) will be used to explain the study. The study included both quantitative as well as qualitative methods of research. The population targeted for the study included a hundred personnel from the 6 projects under the Women Repatriate Association of Burundi, among them officials, coordinators, and leaders in the association. A sample of 80 respondents from WRAB projects, 57 responded indicating a response rate of 71.25%. The data were examined for dependability, analyzed with SPSS V23, and the results were presented in accordance with the specified aims. Results positively associated financial resources with success in project performance, a significantly positive relation between human resources and project performance, and a very significant yet beneficial relationship between physical resources and WRAB performance. Overall findings revealed that financial resources, human resources and physical resources explained 36.6 % of the variance in success of WRAB. In addition, human capital revealed a stronger predictor of performance compared to financial resources and physical resources. Therefore, the study made a recommendation that, the management of WRAB projects should put more emphasis on recruiting knowledgeable, skilled, capable and professional employees to realize effective performance. Additionally, extra research may be conducted to identify additional predictors of performance among Burundi NGO projects.
Key Words: Financial Resource Acquisition, Mapping Human Resources, Physical Resources Acquisition
CITATION: Mpozenzi, A., & Mutuku, M. (2023). Resource mobilization and performance of women repatriate association in Burundi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 125 –140.
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