Clients, stakeholders, and customers in the construction industry around the world have long been concerned about project success. Despite massive financial investments in construction and the related economic advantages, road construction projects in Tanzania are plagued by cost overruns, time delays, and failure to meet required quality and stakeholders’ expectations. Even though prior studies have produced models and frameworks to improve project success, researchers have not considered in depth in put factors affecting project success in developing countries particularly Tanzania. Hence, this study developed a model for monitoring of road projects in Tanzania. The relationship between three dimensions of project monitoring, namely practices, enabling factors, and tools, and three attributes of project success, as assessed by time, cost, and quality, was established. The SMART PLS 4 statistical software was employed for analysis and model development. The model developed revealed a strong, positive, and significant relationship between monitoring attributes and project success. The findings backed up the model, implying that understanding the attributes from monitoring practices, enabling factors as well as tools are necessary for enhancing project success in road construction projects. The study recommended the adoption of a model and that the model may be applied by government and private parties in road construction projects.
Keywords: Road projects, Monitoring, SMART PLS, Project success, Model
CITATION: Mativila, H., Kundi, B. A., Mwaluko, G., Kafuku, J., Mbumba, M. T., John, G. R., & Chang’waro, S. K. (2023). Development of a model for transport infrastructure projects monitoring: A case of Tanzania. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1279 – 1294.
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