The primary goal of supply chain design is to up service quality and improve interaction levels between service providers and customers. This study established the effect of facility location on performance of state owned sugar firms in Kenya. The research employed descriptive casual research design to provide cause effect relationship between study variables while applying simple stratified purposive sampling technique to collect data. The target population comprised all the four operating state owned sugar firms namely, Chemelil, Muhoroni, Sony and Nzoia. The composition of the target population constituted four (4) factory managers, four (4) Finance managers,five hundred and twenty four (524) Agriculture Extension Officers,four (4) Human Resource managers,One hundred and eighty (180) Agriculture services Personnel and four (4) Strategy and planning Managers bringing the total target population to 720. The researcher used questionnaires for data collection. Analysis of data was executed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) helped in the analysis. Results presentation was in form of tables, figures, charts as well as histograms. Descriptive analysis helped show the population and the objectives enabling the researcher get the opinion percentages on the research issue. Hypothesis was tested at 95% confidence level. We therefore concluded that facility location had significant positive impact on performance of state owned sugar manufacturing firms in Kenya. Simple Regression Analysis was used to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between the study variables. The study found that cost reduction opportunities a rise since economies and markets constantly change in line with supply chain partners, technologies and relationships. Facility location contributed greatly in the improvement of performance in, operational efficiency, production flexibility and quality of the products as well as services.
Key words; Facility Location, Performance of State Owned Sugar, Firms in Kenya
CITATION: Misiko, E. W., Kiongera, F. N., & Wanjere, D. M. (2023). Effect of facility location on performance of state-owned sugar firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 289 – 301.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i3.2701
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