This study investigated whether the symptoms that are closely associated with the mid –life transition such as professional burnout has any influence on the effectiveness of teachers and on the choices the teachers in this age bracket make regarding their teaching career. The research objective was to examine the influence of burnout on the management of career progression among teachers in public secondary schools of Londiani Sub-County. The research methodology for the study was mixed method approach and concurrent triangulation research design. The target population was 476 respondents comprising of 440 teachers and principals from 36 schools in Londiani sub-county. The sample for the study was 95 respondents selected using the stratified sampling technique. Five strata bases was created based on the number of zones. From each zone, a sample of 3 Principals and 16 teachers was identified using purposive sampling. Questionnaires was used to collect data from the teachers whereas key informant interviews were conducted for the principals. Piloting was conducted in Kedowa Zone where 10 teachers was sampled to establish validity, reliability, credibility and dependability. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages and inferentially using ANOVA in Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS 24). The results showed that there was evidence that the relationship between burnout on career advancement which was linear; indicated moderately strong positive linear relationship. This implied that burnout has a significant and moderate strong relationship with the career management. The coefficient of determination, R-square of 0.260 implied that 26.0% of the variance in career management is explained by burnout. The research hypothesis posited H0: burnout has no significant effect on career management. Thus, the model was significant and therefore the null hypothesis was rejected on the ground that burnout had a significant and moderate strong positive linear correlation with career management. The study recommended that the government should enhance support on burnout management program among teachers to enhance the gains from it to the education sector. The researcher suggested that other studies should be done on the same topic but in a different geographical environment. Other studies can also consider other objectives and variables not considered in the current study. This study provided insights into Mid-life crisis on performance. The researcher recommended that a study be done by expanding the scope to other counties.
Key Words: Mid –Life Transition Crisis, Professional Burnout, Teacher’s Effectiveness
CITATION: Magara,W. (2023). Influence of burnout on career advancement among teachers in public secondary schools of Londiani Sub – County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 490 – 498.
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