Purpose: The fast food sector is one industry that is contributing positively to the world economy. Notwithstanding, consumers of fast food are worried about the quality, safety, and consistency in taste, as well as demand for better quality at lower prices which thus affects the sales of fast food products. The old brands have become less competitive due to changes in consumers’ preferences, less patronage, and low consumption of fast food, as newer operators introduce a range of innovative products and this has put the sustainability of projected growth performance in sales at risk of uncertainty. Hence, this study examined the effect of product perception dimensions on consumer consumption patterns of fast foods.
Methodology: The study adopted a survey research design. For this study, 1,595 eat-in consumers were selected by convenient sampling technique to participate in the survey.
Findings: The findings revealed that product perception dimensions have a significant effect on consumer consumption patterns of selected fast-food restaurants.
Recommendations: Business managers should pay attention to these factors to enhance the consumption pattern of fast food by consumers, and thus enhance the growth and sustainability of the fast food industry in Nigeria.
Keywords: Consumption pattern, Fast food, Product perception.
CITATION: Seidu, A., Adefulu, A., Asikhia, O. (2023). Product perception dimensions and consumer consumption pattern of selected fast-food restaurants in Lagos State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 219 – 232.
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