This study investigated the effect of project management best practices on the sustainability of road construction projects in Kiambu County, Kenya. The specific objectives were determining the effect of stakeholder participation and involvement, management skills, resource allocation, and technological resource on the sustainability of road construction projects. The research study adopted explanatory and descriptive research design to establish the relationship between project management practices and sustainability of road construction projects. The target population was nine completed road construction projects and stratified random sampling used to draw a sample of 100 respondents. The data was analyzed using both descriptive, relational and inferential statistics. The findings of the study indicated that managerial skills had a positive and significant effect on sustainability of road construction projects. This was attributed to development and adherence to systematic work plans and schedules by project managers which ensured that road construction projects are completed within time, budget, and required quality. The study also established that resource allocation had a positive and significant effect on sustainability of road construction projects. This was attributed to adequate allocation of physical resources, human resources, and funds for road construction projects. Stakeholder involvement also had a positive and significant effect on sustainability of road construction projects. There were negotiations with stakeholders to build a consensus which made stakeholders feel that they felt part and parcel of these construction projects. Finally, technology resources had a positive and significant effect on sustainability of road construction projects. This was attributed to utilization of management information system to coordinate road construction projects, and utilization of different software to complete specific tasks. This research study recommended that road construction project management should prioritize effective resource allocation, as it was established to have the most significant effect on both project quality and sustainability.
Keywords: Managerial Skills, Project Management Practices, Resource Allocation, Stakeholder Involvement, Project Sustainability, Technology ResourceCITATION: Nyanduku, F. K., & Kyalo, J. (2023). An investigation of project management practices on sustainability of selected road projects in Kiambu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 762 – 777.
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