The purpose of this project was to examine the effect of mortgage financing on performance of real estate sector in Rwanda: A case study of Nyarugenge District. The study had four objective and this were to evaluate the effect of mortgage interest rates on the performance of real estate sector in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda, to examine the effect of inflation on the performance of real estate sector in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda, to establish the effect of mortgage risks on the performance of real estate sector in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda and to investigate the effect of loan terms on the performance of real estate sector in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. The study population included all real estate firms in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. The population consisted of 189 registered real estate firms in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. Both primary and secondary data were used in the study. Data was analysis using SPSS v24 package. The study findings indicated that all the four variable that is mortgage interest rates, inflation, mortgage risks and loan terms greatly and positively affect the performance of real estate sector in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda.
Key terms: Mortgage Interest Rates, Inflation, Mortgage Risks, Loan Terms
CITATION: Kamau, N. N., & Mulyungi, P. (2023). Effect of mortgage financing on performance of real estate sector in Rwanda: A case study of Nyarugenge District. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1045 – 1056. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i4.2804
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i4.2804
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