This study determined the impact of human resource planning, financial resource planning, material usage planning and time management in influencing the performance of construction projects in Nairobi International Schools. This research was based on the Resource Based View Theory, Constraint Theory, Stewardship Theory, and Project Management Competency Theory. The selected sample consisted of 33 projects conducted inside the Nairobi International Schools. The research included a total of 231 participants, including project managers, executive committee members, and principals from each of the 33 international secondary schools. The methodology of stratified sampling was used. Yamane formula was used to arrive at 146 respondents. The data collection method used of semi-structured questionnaires. Piloting was done in Kitengela International School where six respondents were used. Construct and content validity was tested. The study findings indicated that majority of the projects accorded human resource management function as an important role and that majority of the firms conduct training to its project team members. The results indicated that project completion was being done without much struggle and that the budgeted funds were enough to complete the project. The study further established that all material resources allocated were in use and that project output had been well defined. The study also found that quality projects planning was being carried out effectively. It was also clear that that activity duration had been well estimated, time schedules were well developed, and that project scope had been well specified during planning phase. The study concluded that human resource planning, time management, material resource planning and financial resource planning positively and significantly contributes to performance of the construction projects. The study concluded that construction firms should conduct proper and continuous training programs aimed at developing human resources in the industry. The study suggested that the cost estimation ought to be founded on the project scope and be associated to the project plan. The study recommended the creation of time plans in accordance with previously created work-breakdown structure.
Key Words: Human Resource Planning, Financial Resource, Material Usage Planning, Time Management
CITATION: Ochieng, I. A., & Tumuti, J. (2023). Project planning practices and performance of building construction projects in international schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1427 – 1446.
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