Employees are a company's livelihood. How they feel about the work they are doing and the results received from that work directly impact an organization's performance and, ultimately, its stability. An unstable organization ultimately underperforms. The study was conducted with the main objective of establishing the effect of motivational system on employees’ productivity in private universities of Kenya. A case study of Marist International University College (MIUC) a constituent of CUEA. MIUC has been over the years put in place the motivational system plans to improve employees’ productivity. However, the effect of these plans had to be investigated. A questionnaire was designed based on the objectives. The completed questionnaires were processed and analyzed using the SPSS. The study targeted the top management team, teaching and non-teaching staff of MIUC. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The population of 78 was stratified into three strata: Management staff, teaching staff and non-teaching staff. The study used the census method to reach to the entire population of the study. The researcher administered the questionnaire to each respondent, and the return of questionnaire was 100%. The employees’ productivity was measured under the high production, lower absenteeism, more cooperation and more innovation. The information was therefore, available to the respondents. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed using SPSS and presented through percentage, mean, frequencies. Pearson correlation was used to assess if the relationship between the independent variables, and dependent variable which is employees productivity, was significant or not. The information was displayed by use of bar charts, graphs and pie charts. The findings of this study were that employees’ productivity depended on motivational system. Rewards would be given according to the individual performance. There was a significant correlation between independent variables and dependent variables. Money was not the only tool for motivation; other tools were effective communication, leadership, rewards system and recognition. The major recommendation of this study is that private universities should design the rewards system which is based on personal performance, in order to maintain employees and to achieve the goals and vision of the organization.
Key Words: Rewards System, Recognition Leadership Style, Communication, Employees Productivity
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i3.285
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