Ethical practices within profit-focused organizations play a pivotal role in shaping organizational performance and sustainability. This study investigates the abstract impacts of ethical practices on the organizational performance of Prime Life Insurance, a prominent player in the insurance sector in Rwanda. Through a comprehensive case study approach, data were gathered from primary sources including interviews, surveys, and organizational documents. Secondary data from relevant literature were also utilized for theoretical grounding. This study endeavors to offer insights into the interaction between ethics and profitability in the insurance industry by examining the ethical framework that Prime Life operates under and the resultant effect on organizational performance. Three theoretical frameworks served as the basis for the research: stakeholder theory, social learning theory, and ethical leadership theory. This study examines the impact of ethical decisions and practices on critical performance indicators, including profitability, customer satisfaction, employee morale, and corporate repute, through the utilization of a comprehensive case study methodology. Descriptive survey methodology was utilized in conjunction with qualitative and quantitative data analysis for this study. The study's target population comprised 63 personnel employed at the headquarters of Prime Insurance Company. A census methodology was utilized for this investigation. The research employed a combination of primary and secondary sources of information. Findings from this research offer valuable insights into the broader discourse on ethics in profit-driven projects and their tangible impact on organizational success. The results are expected to provide Prime Life Insurance and similar organizations with practical recommendations and a roadmap for integrating ethical considerations into their decision-making processes, ultimately enhancing their long-term performance, stakeholder trust, and sustainability. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the intersection of ethics and business performance and provides a nuanced understanding of how ethical choices can be leveraged as a strategic advantage in profit-driven projects, shedding light on the complex interplay between ethics, profitability, and sustainability. The regression model is statistically significant (F = 83.947, p < .001), suggesting that at least one of the predictor variables significantly predicts project performance. The predictors, namely Ethical practices, Ethical training, and Ethical Leadership, collectively account for a substantial portion of the variance in project performance (R² = 0.861). Each predictor, when considered individually, contributes significantly to the model as evidenced by their respective coefficients. In conclusion, further research in ethical leadership and project performance should focus on exploring moderating factors, conducting longitudinal studies for a comprehensive understanding of sustained impacts, and investigating the integration of technology to address emerging ethical challenges in the evolving project management landscape. Recommendations for practitioners include fostering a culture of ethical leadership through ongoing training, promoting open communication channels for ethical discussions within project teams, and integrating ethical considerations into project management processes to enhance overall project performance. Further studies could explore the impact of cultural variations on the effectiveness of ethical leadership in diverse project environments, providing insights into how leadership approaches may need to be adapted to suit different cultural contexts.
Keywords: Ethical decision-making, Profit-oriented organizations, Ethical practices, Prime Life Insurance
CITATION: Isingiwe, B., & Gathiru, M. K. (2024). Impacts of ethical practices on the organizational performance in profit-focused projects in Rwanda. A case study of prime life insurance . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 731 – 743.
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