As financial intermediaries, microfinance banks are crucial. The growth of an economy is significantly influenced by microfinance institutions’ financial performance, in addition to their function in intermediation. The prudential guidelines and financial health of Kenyan microfinance banks were examined in this study. The precise objectives looked on how credit, capital adequacy, and liquidity regulations affected Kenyan banks’ financial performance. Lastly, the researchers looked into how the microfinance institutions’ size impacts prudential regulations and financial performance. The study was grounded in the theories of stakeholders, capital buffer, and liquidity management. The sample approach used was census sampling, and the research design was explanatory. The 13 MFBs that made up the target population and are accredited by the Central Bank of Kenya produced audited financial statements and yearly reports, which provided secondary data. Normality, multicollinearity, stationary, autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, and diagnostic tests were performed on the data. Additionally, multiple regression analyses, correlation analyses, and descriptive statistics were carried out. The results showed that capital adequacy regulations significantly influenced MFBs' financial performance, highlighting the importance of maintaining sufficient core capital. However, liquidity regulations did not significantly impact performance, suggesting customer deposit ratios may not be a critical factor. Credit regulation, specifically non-performing loans, had a significant negative impact, highlighting the importance of effective credit management. The association between performance and prudential regulations is not affected by MFB size. These findings highlight the importance of targeted and effective regulatory measures in the microfinance sector.
Key Words: Capital Adequacy, Credit Regulations, Liquidity, Microfinance
CITATION: Muchai, G. W., & Muchira, B. W. (2024). Prudential regulations and financial performance of microfinance banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 766 – 785.
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