This study established the relationship between the capabilities of health management information system and performance in the Catholic Mission hospitals in selected counties in Kenya. The study was informed by five theories namely Human Computer Interaction, Performance Theory, Resource-Based View Theory, Technology Acceptance Model Theory, and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The study used descriptive research design. The target population composed of 150 Managerial, non-managerial system users, and ICT staff from 25 Catholic Mission Hospitals in four Selected counties in Kenya namely Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos and Kiambu. The study revealed that Digital Infrastructure significantly influence Performance of Catholic Mission Hospitals (β=0.252; p=0.000). Furthermore, Information Security has a significant effect on Performance (β=0.181; p=0.000). Moreover, the study found that Data Storage (β=0.286; p=0.000) and Management Support (β=0.321; p=0.000) have a significant contributory effect on performance. The study concludes that an organization's digital infrastructure plays a crucial role in its success. Thus, hospitals can securely distribute, store, and monitor patient data throughout their operations if they have strong hardware and software infrastructures. Furthermore, the ability to retrieve and share patient health records highlights the importance of health information management. For this reason, cyber security is essential to protecting people and businesses from hackers and other cyber security threats. Thirdly, organizations need to make sure that sensitive information is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches by taking the appropriate security measures. In conclusion, the performance of an organization is largely influenced by four key crucial success factors: digital infrastructure, information security, data storage and managerial support. The study recommends that an organization's digital infrastructure need to be strengthened in order to provide cutting edge solutions for effective performance. Hence by offering new frameworks for structuring businesses, digital platforms can support sustainable business practices. Secondly, in order to improve productivity, organizations must strengthen system security with regard to passwords, usernames, authentication, and backups. Thirdly, the necessity for businesses to implement reliable data processing infrastructure, communication networks, and data retrieval systems is critical in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. Finally, in order for businesses to gain a competitive edge, they must prioritize employee competency, training, and appropriately and adequately allocate resources.
Key Words: Health Management Information System, Digital Infrastructure, Storage, Security, Management Support
CITATION: Gitahi, J. W., & Kyalo, J. (PhD) (2024). Health management information system capabilities and performance of catholic mission hospitals in selected counties in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 939 – 958.
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