Strategy implementation has been on the rise in the recent past due to its inherent capabilities of fostering organizational performance. None-the-less and despite embracing strategy implementation, organizations have been recording subpar performances. This study therefore sought to undertake an investigation in an attempt to unravel the effect of strategy implementation on the performance of bakeries in Mombasa County. Precisely, the study investigated the effect of strategy communication, resources availability, organizational culture as well as strategy monitoring and control on the performance of bakeries in Mombasa County. The agency theory, the resource-based view theory, the Hawthorn studies on organizational behavior as well as the balance score card theory were used in supporting the study variables. The study used the descriptive research design. The study employed primary data which was gathered via questionnaires. The primary data collected was quantitative in nature. The study sample size determination was through the stratified random sampling technique. The Cronbach Alpha value of 0.774 confirmed that the research instruments used in this study were reliable. The study conducted descriptive as well as the Pearson’s correlation analysis on the collected data. The test for normality, the test for autocorrelation as well as the test for multicollinearity were conducted on the data before running the multiple linear regression model. The R square result of 0.409 and the ANOVA p-value of .000 confirmed that the instruments used in this study were fit and statistically significant. The regression coefficients generated from the model informed the conclusions in this study. The study, after data analysis, concluded that strategy communication, resources availability, organizational culture as well as strategy monitoring and control have a significant positive effect on the performance of bakeries in Mombasa County. The research therefore, recommended that the managers in the bakeries in Mombasa County should always endeavor to implement the strategies formulated, because it was evident from this study that implementing strategies results into positive performances. The researcher also recommended that policy formulating and regulatory bodies in the baking industry should devise policies and regulation which favor strategy implementation.
Key Words: Strategy Communication, Resources Availability, Organizational Culture, Monitoring and Control
CITATION: Omar, O. B., & Maende, C. (2024). Strategy implementation and performance of bakeries in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 73 – 89.
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