
Board ascriptive diversity has the tendency to enhance organizational performance. However, as much as enormous efforts have been made in Water and Sanitation Companies to diversify boards in Kenya, the performance of most of these companies is wanting because some of the companies are unable to meet their financial and service obligations. This study sought to determine the moderating role of board behavioral intentions on the relationship between board ascriptive diversity and the organizational performance of water and sanitation companies in Kenya. The research questions that guided the proposed study were: what was the effect of board ascriptive diversity on organizational performance and to establish how the moderating effect of board behavioral intentions affects the relationship between board ascriptive diversity and organizational performance of water and sanitation companies in Kenya. The main theory which the study was anchored on was Upper Echelons theory by Donald and Mason (1984). The study employed descriptive design of cross-sectional survey design. The study was undertaken in selected water and sanitation companies in Kenya. The target population was 79 companies which had a total of 589 board members. The sample size was 189 board members selected from four water development agencies. The main respondents in the study were the board members who filled the questionnaire while secondary data was collected using a document analysis guide. The study tested content validity where the statements were validated by experts or specialists who included; supervisors and experts in corporate governance matters. Reliability of the instruments was tested using cronbach alpha.  Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistic adopted was moderated multiple regression analysis. The study findings confirmed that behavioral intentions as a moderator was significant on the relationship between ascriptive diversity and organizational performance whilst statistically insignificant on the relationship between expertise diversity and organizational performance (β=0.305, CI=.050, .560, p<0.05). The study concluded that there was a statistically significant moderation effect of behavioral intentions on the relationship between ascriptive diversity and organizational performance of public water and sanitation companies in Kenya. The study recommended further studies to be done using behavioral intentions as a moderator in other sectors and spheres of society, on organizational performance for comparative purposes with the findings of this study.

Keywords: Ascriptive Board Diversity; Behavioural Intentions and Organizational Performance

CITATION: Siginwo, J. J., Wanza, L., Omillo, F., & Sergon, D. (2024). Ascriptive board diversity, board behavioural intentions and performance of selected water and sanitation companies in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 91 – 120. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3070

Full Text:



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