The main objective of this study was to examine the extent to which the discipline of project management adheres to project cycle phase activities as followed and assessed with regard to their effect on CDF construction projects in the county government of Kakamega, Kenya. Specifically, the study aim was to; To examine the effect of project identification and initiation activities on the success of CDF construction projects in the county government of Kakamega, Kenya, evaluate the effect of project planning activities as the anterior of project success in CDF construction projects in county government of Kakamega, Kenya, assess the effect of project execution activities as anterior of project success in CDF construction projects in Kenya, examine the effect of project monitoring and control activities as the anterior of project success in CDF construction projects in the county government of Kakamega, Kenya. The target population in this study comprised of 118 respondents authorised associated to the CDF projects of the county government of Kakamega, Kenya from twelve constituents. Both descriptive inferential statistics showed that the study’s conceptualized independent variables (project identification and initiation activities, project planning activities, project execution activities, and project monitoring and control activities) significantly influence performance of constituency development fund construction projects in the county government of Kakamega (outcome variable). The study concluded that first, Project initiation and identification activities are crucial for the performance of constituency development fund construction projects as they ensure proper planning, resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, and risk assessment from the start. Lastly, project monitoring and control activities significantly enhance the performance of constituency development fund construction projects by maintaining strict adherence to timelines, budgets, and quality standards. The study recommends that first, stringent project Initiation &Identification Activities such effective method of Identification real-time feasibility Study valid Project Chartering and collaborative Stakeholder Identification should be adhered to for enhanced performance of constituency development fund construction projects in the county government of Kakamega. Further, use of project execution activities such as timely commissioning, efficient resource allocation real-time communication are strictly followed so as to realize significant improvement in the performance of constituency development fund construction projects in the county government of Kakamega.
Key Words: Project Initiation &Identification, Planning, Project Execution, Monitoring &Control
CITATION: Bor, K. E., & Miroga, J. (2024). Project development approaches and performance of constituency development fund construction projects in the county government of Kakamega, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 496 – 510. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3101
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