Global financial crisis has put pressure on all world economies to innovate means of survival both at macroeconomic and microeconomic environments since the Inflation pressures are forever pulling the rise in living costs. This scenario together with changes in lifestyles creates demand opportunities for private label brand strategic projects by major retail outlets. There is very limited research regarding private label products in Kenya and none explore the influence of product management on performance of private label projects in Kenya. This research therefore examined the influence of product management on performance of private label projects in Kenya. The variables studied were perceived quality, product control and performance of private label projects. This study adopted a descriptive research design because it involves survey and fact finding enquiries with the purpose of describing the state of affairs as is at present without interference, as the researcher had no control over the variables. The target population of the study was drawn from five Nakumatt Holdings Outlets within Nairobi, Kenya. The unit of analysis was eighty eight project managers and operation officers involved in Blue-label and Nakumatt Select projects. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data collected through questionnaires by use of various tools such as frequencies, standard deviation and the mean. The study sought to benefit Policy makers, Retail chains and consumers. The findings indicated there was positive correlation between the dependent variable and independent variables. The correlation depicts that the success of private label project in retail chains is positively correlated with all the independent variables i.e. perceived quality and product control. The correlation matrix is negating the existence of multi-colinearity among the independent variables as all the correlations were below 0.90. Whilst the retail chain outlet is gaining on performance of its private label projects, the research suggests recommendations on improvements on external stakeholders’ involvement and handling of conflict of interest with manufacturers.
Key Words: Perceived Quality, Resource Availability, performance of private label projects in Kenya
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