
Challenges faced by underperforming employees in the insurance industry in Kenya might encompass a saturated market, intense sales goals, restricted opportunities for career growth, and inadequate backing from leadership. Furthermore, individuals with low productivity levels could encounter difficulties in grasping and conforming to evolving legal obligations and adherence standards, along with upholding a favorable and polished reputation within the sector. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the effects of work environment strategies on employee job performance in Jubilee Insurance Company in Nairobi City County Kenya. The study was guided by expectancy theory, equity theory and reinforcement theory. Descriptive research design was employed in this study. The unit of analysis was Jubilee Insurance Company and the unit of observation was 96 employees from comprising of 10 HR managers and 86 other staff. A census of 96 respondents was conducted. Data was gathered through the use of a semi-questionnaire. To test the dependability of research tools, questionnaires were tested on 9 respondents from Madison Insurance Company in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Content validity and face validity was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire. Chronbach alpha test was used to test reliability of the questionnaire. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation. Furthermore, inferential statistics like correlation and regression analysis was employed to investigate the connection between variables and the extent of their influence on each other. The study results were displayed through tables and figures. The work environment, training and development, incentives and performance management were found to have a positive significant influence on the employee job performance in Jubilee Insurance Company in Nairobi City County Kenya. The study concludes that a positive workplace fosters high morale among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and encourages teamwork and collaboration, which can lead to improved service delivery. It also recommended that the company should invest in ergonomic furniture and equipment to reduce physical strain and discomfort on employees

Key Words: Work Environment strategies and Employee Job performance

CITATION: Adhiambo, B. O., & Makhamara H. F. (2025). Work environment strategies and employee job performance in jubilee insurance company in Nairobi City County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 12 (1), 248 – 260.

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