It is essential for businesses to implement innovation strategies if they want to keep their competitive edge, adjust to changing market circumstances, and propel their development. In order to come up with creative methods of fulfilling the changing consumer demands and, as a consequence, improved service delivery, Safaricom Public Limited Company (PLC) Kenya has implemented innovations in a variety of different ways, which has resulted in research and development. The objective of the study was to establish innovation strategies on service delivery of Safaricom Limited. A descriptive research design was used for the aim of this study. There were 214 managers who deal directly with Safaricom PLC on various departments, and the unit of observation was Safaricom PLC. The 214 managers served as the unit of observation, while Safaricom PLC served as the unit of analysis. These supervisors belong to one of three cadre of management: upper, medium, and bottom. The sample size was 139 respondents. It was found out that a strong and positive correlations were discovered between various aspects of Safaricom PLC's service delivery and innovation. These included product innovation, process innovation, market innovation, technological innovation, and service delivery overall. Positive and statistically significant relationships were observed for all of these variables. Findings indicate that innovative initiatives significantly improve Safaricom PLC's service performance. As long as Safaricom continues to prioritize product innovation and invest in it, the company is expected to continue on its current growth trajectory and reaffirm its commitment to delivering exceptional service. Research shows that process innovation has helped Safaricom succeed by increasing service quality, operational efficiency, and the firm's commitment to providing exceptional value to customers. Market innovation has proven to be a vital component of Safaricom's strategy, enhancing service delivery and reinforcing its commitment to providing value to customers across Kenya. The study recommends that Safaricom should develop more targeted marketing campaigns that cater to specific demographics and customer segments, ensuring that product offerings resonate with diverse customer needs.
Key Words: Innovation Strategies, Service Delivery, Safaricom Public Limited Company
CITATION: Kimuhu, T. W., & Gakobo, J. (2025). Innovation strategies on service delivery in Safaricom Public Limited Company. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 12 (1), 261 – 275.
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