Employee turnover is a major challenge faced by higher institutions of learning in Kenya. Universities are operating in highly competitive environment which requires that these institutions retain their core employees in order to gain and retain competitive advantage. Universities are striving to retain their talented employees by implementing effective retention strategies, but staff turnover is still high. This study sought to investigate the effects of HRM practice that influence employee retention in Kenyatta University, Kenya. The study also sought to establish the influence of training on employee retention, welfare facilities, career growth, and recruitment on employee retention in Kenyatta University. Descriptive research design was used to describe effects of HRM practices on employee’s retention. The target population of this study was the employees working in Kenyatta University. The target population of this study was therefore 330 employees. Stratified random sampling was used to collect useful information from 30% of the teaching staff in Kenyatta University who are employed on permanent and pensionable terms. The sample size of this study was 99 respondents. In this study structured questionnaire was used to collected data from the respondents. The questionnaire was distributed through drop and pick later method with an endorsed self addressed return envelope to help increase response rate. Qualitative data from the open ended questions were analysed by use of content analysis and the findings was presented in a prose form. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in this study to analyse quantitative data, which was obtained from the closed ended questions. Descriptive statistics that were used in this study include mean, standard deviation, percentages and frequencies. The study established that there is a positive relationship between the employees training, employee recruitment, employee welfare facilities and employee career growth and employees retention at Kenyatta University. The study found that Kenyatta University does not conduct a needs analysis before offering training. In addition, training helps organization to increase employee retention and decrease turn over, helps employees to develop and identify the career development strategies, serves as a tool to enhance the commitment with organization and improves employee’s skills. This study therefore recommends that Kenyatta University should conduct a needs analysis before offering training. The study also recommends that staff recruitment and selection policies in Kenyatta University should be improved so as to attract more professional teaching staff.
Key Words: Employee Turnover, Competitive Advantage, Retention StrategiesFull Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.33
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