Successful completion of a given donor funded project along the three critical dimensions of time, cost and quality, requires detailing all the planning requirements. In Kenya like other developing countries donor funded projects contributes significantly to the socio-economic development and growth. Achieving project completion on time within budget, at specified quality standards, and most importantly without unprecedented cost escalations is major criterion of success of a donor funded project. The general objective of this study was to examine the determinants of successful completion of donor funded projects in Kenya, a case of Turkana County. The specific objectives of this study were to examine; project procurement process and project planning tools on successful completion of donor funded projects. The study adopted a descriptive survey and census design method for data to be collected through the use of questionnaires from 149 respondents. A pilot study was conducted to pretest the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. The data was analyzed with help of SPSS version 22 and Excel. The study adopted regression analysis at .05 level of significance to determine magnitude and direction of the relationship of the variables under study. It was notable that there existed a strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The analysis showed that project procurement process had the strongest positive influence on completion of donor funded projects. In addition project planning tools was positively correlated to completion of donor funded projects. Therefore the most significant factor was project procurement process. This implies that these variables were very significant therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost completion of donor funded projects. The study therefore identifies variables as critical determinants of completion of donor funded projects.
Key Words: Procurement Process, Planning Tools, Donor Funded Projects in Kenya
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