Public procurement is crucial to government service delivery. For decades procurement performance has been attracting great attention from practitioners, academicians and researchers due to poor levels of performance. Despite Government efforts for improvement, it is still marred by shoddy works, poor quality goods and services. Stakeholders complain about poor service delivery. The general objective of the study was to assess factors influencing adoption and performance of e-procurement in Kenyan public sector with specific focus on state corporations under the Ministry of Finance. It sought to assess the extent to which employee competence, Policies, Technology and security of procurement data influence adoption and performance of e-procurement. The study population included state corporations under the Ministry of Finance. Due to time and financial constraints, the researcher carried out a simple random selection of three respondents from the procurement departments of all the 16 corporations giving a sample size of 48. Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. The research study used a questionnaire as a key instrument for primary data collection. Qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed through the use of frequency distribution, mean scores and standard deviations. In addition, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests was carried out. From the study, it was revealed that Skills, Policies, Technology and Data Capacity influenced e-procurement performance and its adoption in the organizations under review. It is recommended that reforms in the state corporations be accelerated with a view of streaming procurement processes as well as automating activities and back office operations. The study also recommended that among others, due to continuous turnover of the employees', continuous training for the incoming staff is required on e-procurement. In addition, formal recognition backed by legislation of the electronic procurement transactions should be encouraged. Integration of the Organizations system and those of the suppliers, demonstration of the positive impact of the system, and installation of linkages between all Governments agencies should be encouraged.
Key Words: Skills, Policies, Supply Chain Performance, Public Sector
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.356
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