An E-payment system in the government ministries has created a wide array of benefits and challenges. An E-payment system encourages privacy, integrity, efficiency, acceptability and convenience. However, e –payment system remain unnoticed by the customers and certainly under used albeit their availability. The systems are either slow or at times not operational at all.
The general objective of this study was to establish the challenges facing performance of the E-payment system in government ministries in Kenya, a case of MOEP. The research questions were constructed from the specific objectives. The study used descriptive research design. The study used stratified sampling, purposive sampling and random sampling. Stratified sampling was used to identify the study units.The study concluded that the challenges facing performance of the E-payment system in government ministries in Kenya, a case of MOEP include; Lack of adequate and reliable infrastructure, inadequate skills due to low levels of computer literacy. Breakdowns and unprecedented delays, bureaucracies with respect to specimen signatures and authentication, Lack of legal and institutional frameworks in governments on E-payment s, Integration issues, Lack of knowledge and awareness son E-payments, Lack of trust in electronic payments. The study recommended that the challenges facing performance of E-payment system in government ministries as is the case of MOEP should be addressed by Guarantee a reasonable minimum level of security on the network. Security and privacy dimensions perceived by consumers as well as sellers. Introduce and maintain real-time processing and a combination of features, including integrated systems and gateways, address liquidity issues and minimize delays, while preserving online transaction integrity. Implementation of strong access control measures, regularly monitor and test networks and maintain an information security policy. Continuous training of all employees/users at all levels and enhancement of ICT manuals. The study suggested that there was need for further research on issues of diversity of Information Technology (IT) and training on E-payment usage at all levels in government ministries.
Key Words: Performance, E-payments, Usage of E-payment, Costs, Security, Trust.
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