Systematic approach to change management is needed to ensure that an organization change is guided in the planned direction, conducted in a cost effective manner and completed within the targeted time frame and with the desired results. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence strategic change management on the performance of Kenya Power, Thika Station. The study was based on the following variables: organizational culture, communication strategies and stakeholders involvement. The research design adopted case study. The target population comprised of 1400 employees of Kenya Power in supervisory level and above in Central Kenya region working in Thika station and adopted simple random sampling technique. The sample size was 302 respondents selected using Krejcie and Morgan model. The research instruments used in this study was questionnaires. Pilot study was done on randomly selected staff within the Kenya Power Thika Station, and the Reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained hence the research instrument were treated to be reliable. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics where the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 was used for data analysis. The study found out that organization culture, communication strategy and stakeholder involvement in the strategic change management had a positive relationship with the organization performance. The P-values for the variables were less than 0.05, and therefore evident of significant relationship between the strategic change management and performance at Kenya Power Thika station, Kenya. The study concluded that organization culture, communication strategy and stakeholder involvement affects organization performance. The study recommended for the management to continue implementing the strategic change management in achieving better organization performance.
Key Words: Organization Culture, Communication Strategy, Stakeholders Involvement
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.372
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