
The study sought to examine the effect of rewards in the management of educational institutions in Kenya. Although management is attributed to various factors ranging from quality, efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction to time management, this study confined itself to the role played by various forms of rewards in management especially in public secondary schools. The specific objectives included were: to identify and examine the forms of rewards applied and to assess the challenges encountered in using the various rewards. The research design adopted was descriptive in nature utilizing qualitative methods. The target population included all the non-teaching staff, students, Teachers, Heads of Departments, Head teachers, Board of Governors and Parents Teachers Association. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used as the instruments of collection of primary data for analysis. The sample included 202 respondents drawn from 15 schools selected at random using simple random sampling techniques. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics by generating frequencies and tables to obtain percentages. The key forms of rewards identified to have an effect in the management of educational institutions in Kenya were: verbal recognition, cash rewards for K.C.S.E performance, certificate of excellence, free tea and or lunch and gifts. The study findings provided a guideline upon which recommendations were made on how best to reward the stakeholders. The findings of this study lead to a better appreciation and understanding of the effect of rewards in improving the management of educational institutions. The study had practical implications for education officials, school administrators, teachers and parents. The Ministry of Education should establish a policy of how rewards should be given and a prize giving day in public secondary schools. 

Key Words: Reward Methods, Education Institutions, Rewards Management

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