This study focuses on employees’ motivation and its relevance to organizational performance. The study investigated the effect that motivation had on the success of the organization. A case study of Mogadishu Al Port (MAP) had been taken to ensure detailed investigation of the variables. Motivation, if not given the attention it requires could lead to disastrous effects such as underutilization of Al port resources, absenteeism and low performance of the port in general. The study was led by the objectives of finding out the effect of extrinsic rewards, second, to establish the effect of intrinsic rewards on organizational performance and to determine the effect of participatory management on organizational performance. The equity theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory and goal setting theories in Human Resource studies have been employed to understand the subject better. A descriptive design was adopted and statistical descriptions were used to summarize and analyze the collected data. The means of statistical tools including measures of central tendencies such as the mean, and measures of dispersion such as the standard deviation, and measures of the relationships among the variables, such as the regression analyses, were used. A significant sample size of 153 employees chosen by use of Slovenes formula was used. The sample elements were chosen using purposive judgmental technique for the upper level of management, and systematic random sampling was used for other employees and detailed analysis was done with the help of SPSS version 23. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire and after, analysis was presented in form of tables, graphs and pie charts and text for the reader to understand. From the study, as shown by the correlation results, there was a positive correlation between the time of service and extrinsic rewards as being a responsible reason for better achievement of organizational performance as given by a 21.7% relationship which was significant. Again finding suggested that there was a significance relationship between motivational tools such as wages; remuneration, recommendation, recognition etc. receive by workers and their performance. It was very relevant to suggest that more research should be conducted on the relationship and influence of rewards on worker’s performance using many private and public organizations. Also the variables studied could only explain 32% of variance in the effect of employee motivation on Organizational performance as represented by the R2.
Keywords: Employee motivation, organizational performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.426
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