The advancements in healthcare delivery along with knowledge management practices present challenges in terms of adoption. Knowledge Management practices have benefited many sectors and it is believed that the same will also benefit the health sector if implementation is properly planned and executed. Knowledge Management has become a critical aspect of healthcare delivery whose role has become a fundamental element and a key asset in organization effectiveness. Knowledge management not only enhances interaction between health institutions, hospitals, clinicians, and patients but also meets the demand for care that is growing with the increase of population. In the health sector healthcare service delivery provides opportunity to incorporate knowledge management practices to improve on the operations and other related healthcare functions. However, knowledge management implementation is still elusive in the health based sector. The general objective of this study therefore was to examine the factors affecting implementation of knowledge management practices in the health based NGOs in Kenya. Specifically the study sought to examine how Organization culture and structure affect the implementation of knowledge management practices at FHOK. The target population was the health based organizations in Kenya. The study population was limited to Family Health Options Kenya. A census survey that was conducted included 95 FHOK staff from four medical facilities plus the head office, all based in Nairobi County. Data was collected using a structured self-administered questionnaire as a tool to get responses. The questionnaires were designed on the bases of the study objectives. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and descriptive statistics data analysis method was applied to analyze numerical data gathered using SPSS. A multiple regression model was applied to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The statistics obtained were interpreted and conclusion drawn from the results. The study established that organization culture and organization structure had a significant effect on knowledge management implementation. It was recommended that a national knowledge management for health strategy be formulated and circulated as one of the standards and guidelines to effective healthcare delivery.
Key Words: Organization Structure, Organization Culture, Knowledge Management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.432
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