John Karuri


This study seeks to find a sustainable solution to the problem of corruption in public procurement. The study has been prompted by the devastating nature of corruption which starves resources from public services and projects leading to under-development of the economy and impoverishment of the general population.

The objective of this study is to establish the causes and effect of corruption in public procurement using the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute as a case study, with a view to making suggestions on how this problem can be countered and eliminated. The specific objectives of this study are; to identify the main causes of corruption in public procurement, to identify the levels and magnitude of corruption in public procurement, to identify the obstacles in fighting corruption, and to recommend ways of minimizing corruption in public procurement.

The Case Study Research Design will be used to conduct this research study.  Primary data will be gathered through questionnaires and personal interviews. Secondary data will be gathered from documentary sources.

This study will be of benefit to K.A.R.I. as a procuring entity. It will be of benefit to the institutions established to increase efficiency in public procurement such as the Public Procurement Oversight Authority, the Efficiency Monitoring Unit and the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. It will also be of significance to professionals in procurement departments in other procurement entities who may be interested in putting in place control measures to increase efficiency.

My assumption is that this study will be consumed by the intended recipients which will help them identify the causes, magnitude, and obstacles in fighting corruption. The study will also provide recommendations to help end and prevent corruption in those institutions.

Key Words: Sustainable Solutions, Corruption, Public Services

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