The Communications Authority of Kenya (2016) documented a 14.3% drop in courier transactions from the year 2010 to 2015. Further, outgoing international transactions experienced a 20.6% decline. This downward trend has been attributed to development of communication technology and organisational competitiveness which has immensely affected the performance of the firms in this business portfolio. This has led most organisations to embrace certain corporate strategies and partnering with other organizations to strengthen their market positions and improve on performance. This study sought to establish the effect of resource-based collaborations on performance of courier firms in Nairobi City County. The study was anchored on the Resource Based View Theory. The study used a combination of descriptive and explanatory research designs. The target population consisted of 423 managers in 141 courier firms as at January 30th 2015(CAK, 2015) and the stratified sampling procedure was used to group the firms into strata using the licensing category. The study used mainly Primary data which was collected using self-administered questionnaire. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize data while inferential statistics applied stepwise multiple regression analysis to test hypothesized relationships. Content analysis was also used for qualitative data. The analysis used SPSS Version 21 to aid data analysis. The study findings were that resource based collaborations had a positive significant influence on the performance of Courier firms in Nairobi City County. The study recommended that firms should re-think on configuration of resources in assessment of any collaborations the firm intended to engage itself in order to enhance performance.
Key Words: Resource Based Collaboration, Organizations Performance, Courier Firms
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