This study general objective was to establish the role of strategic planning in organization performance with special references to Hormuud telecommunication in Mogadishu Somalia. Many Somali business do not have formal strategic plans in their operations. The study was guided by objective of establishing how strategic planning contributes to an organization’s performance, with special interest on strategy formulation, business operations strategy implementation and strategy evaluation affect. The study used descriptive study design. The target population comprised of 5716 Hormuud telecommunication staff. The sample size was 374 employees from different departments within the organization. The study carried out a pilot study to test the internal consistency of the questionnaire. Data was collected using questionnaire for primary data while secondary data was obtained through journals, books, and any other published works in the area of strategic planning. Data collected was analyzed using statistical software (SPSS v23) then presented as a report. The study found out that 11.7% of performance of Hormuud telecommunication is influenced by combination of all four independent factors investigated in this study. There was a positive and significant relationship between strategy implementation and organization performance, positive and significant relationship between strategy evaluation and performance of However there was an insignificant relationship between strategy formulation and performance and business operations with performance of Hormuud telecommunication.
Key terms: Strategy, Strategy Formulation, Plan, Strategic Planning, Strategy Formulation, Business Operations, Strategy Implementation, Strategy Evaluation
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