The general objective of this study was to investigate factors influencing project scope performance at KNYS. The specific objectives for the study included: To determine how project manager competency in scope management influence project performance at KNYS projects; to examine how scope change influenced project performance at KNYS projects; to investigate the use of work breakdown structure in determining project scope performance at KNYS projects and to examine how stakeholder management influences project scope performance at KNYS projects. The study adopted a descriptive research design to collect quantitative data. The target population was drawn from a population frame provided by the National Youth Service and consisted of project supervisors; project managers; staff and project beneficiaries. The target population for the study was 200 of which a sample of 60 respondents was picked for the study through stratified random sampling. A questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Reliability results showed that all the variables had exceeded the acceptable limit of 0.7. The researcher used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 to analyze quantitative data. Results of stepwise regression model showed that use of WBS and scope change as two variables that best predicted Project Scope Performance. Hypothesis testing conducted at 95% confidence level confirmed that project manager competency and stakeholder management had insignificant influence of on Project Scope Performance, however use of WBS and scope change had significant influence on project scope performance. In conclusion the researcher insisted on training facilitation for project team to acquaint them with necessary competency and boost their image as leaders; actualize plans to effectively manage project scope change and to engage with project key stakeholders earlier enough during project definition for adequate scope verification. The researcher recommended that KNYS should establish an online portal to inform general public of project success stories; review their organization structure so as to avoid multiple allocation tasks to one staff; depoliticize projects and view them as a lee way for youth empowerment and collaboration between national and county governments to avoid clash of objectives.
Key terms: Competency, Change Management, Project Scope, Stakeholder Management, Work Breakdown Structure, Work Definition, Work Package
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i4.555
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