This study sought to establish the influence of human resource management practices on employee satisfaction in manufacturing firms based in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to; establish how resourcing practices influence employee satisfaction in manufacturing firms based in Nairobi City County, Kenya and to examine how reward management practices affect employee satisfaction in manufacturing firms based in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study used a sample size of 80 manufacturing firms registered in the Kenya Association of Manufacturers directory 2017. Primary data was collected through self administered questionnaires sent to the Human Resource Managers of the selected firms or the relevant personnel dealing with human resource issues in the firms. The study used a questionnaire to collect the required primary data while secondary data was obtained from published documents. With the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) regression analysis was done and the results were used to test the relationship of the variables. Based on the findings, the study concluded that resourcing practices and reward management practices were the major factors that affected employee satisfaction in manufacturing firms in Kenya. A longitudinal study should be carried out to monitor the relationship between demographic factors such as the age, marital status, family status, educational level and experience of employees and their satisfaction with their work in the organizations. Similar studies should also be done in other institutions in other counties in order to generalize the findings to manufacturing firms in the Country.
Key Terms: Resourcing Practices, Rewards Management, Employee Satisfaction
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