The study sought to establish the effect of level of technology on performance of agro processing firms. The study focused on animal feeds agro processing firms in Thika and Juja Sub-Counties. The study employed descriptive research design targeting a population of 210 respondents from all the 35 animal feeds firms in Thika and Juja Sub-Counties who participated in the study. In total 62 respondents served as informants of the study. The questionnaires were used for data collection and administered to all respondents in their respective offices. From the study findings it was clear that most of the respondents felt that in their company, if the employees could not tackle a problem using standard methods, they invent new methods which had an influence of firm performance to a very large extent. In summary, businesses shared the idea that information technologies had an effect especially on the new product ideas. The study recommended that managers need to pay more attention to organizational innovations, which had a crucial role for innovative capabilities.
Keywords: Human Resource, Technology, Organization Performance, Agro Processing Firms in Kenya
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