The objective of this study was to analyze characteristics of microfinance banking services and financial inclusion in Kenya. The research sought to explore two specific objectives which included; to determine how accessibility of microfinance banking services influences financial inclusion in Kenya and to establish how affordability of microfinance banking services influences financial inclusion in Kenya. The study was guided by 3 theories namely; Technology Acceptance Model, Financial Intermediation Theory and Agency Theory. To achieve the main objective of the study, the researcher used descriptive statistics. The target population will comprise of 59 MFIs who are listed as members of AMFI Kenya. The respondents were C.E.Os or general managers of the organizations. Due to the size of the population, a census survey was carried out. Primary data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The study used SPSS to aid in data analysis. The study revealed the microfinance banking services played a role in financial inclusion. Availability, convenience and proximity of branches to customers, impacts on the decisions made by customers hence accessibility was essential as per the study. The study also showed that financial institutions to aim at making services affordable with much regard given to decisions made on pricing of loans, transaction fees and ledger fees. The study findings would be useful to policy makers, researchers, MFIs, banks and individual consumers of financial services.
Keywords: Accessibility, Affordability, Microfinance Banking Services, Financial Inclusion
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