The general objective was to evaluate factors influencing completion of Government road infrastructure projects in Kenya, a case of Meru County. The specific objectives were; to determine how project finances and technology influenced completion of infrastructure projects of government. The scope of the study was infrastructure projects in Meru County. The research design adopted was descriptive design. The target population included contractors and construction project managers . A census survey technique method was adopted and sample size was 80 respondents. A closed and open-ended questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used for data analysis. Quantitative data was summarized and analyzed using descriptive statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Qualitative data adopted Content analysis while inferential statistics was applied to identify a mathematical relationship between variables using multiple regression analysis, which was used to establish the degree of statistical relationships between the study variables. A response rate of 82.5% was established with 66 respondents reached, out of the 80 targeted .The finding indicated that project finance, and project technology innovation largely influenced infrastructure project completion. The study recommended that since the study was conducted to evaluate factors influencing government infrastructure project Completion in Meru County other studies should be conducted in other counties and different variables employed to find out how counties faced challenges in the completing infrastructure project. Further research study should be conducted on different projects to investigate into the challenges facing project implementation, and research study should be carried in the area of the influence of governance institutions on project implementation and project completion.
Keywords: Project Finances, Technological Innovations, Government Road Infrastructure in Kenya
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i4.585
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