
Kenya’s mobile telephony industry has been characterized by cut-throat competition among the industry players in the last one decade with the resultant closure or complete sell off of the businesses of some of the mobile phone service providers to competitors. It is against this background that measuring a consumer’s brand preference is an important step towards understanding the choice behaviour of a consumer. The study’s objective was to establish the influence of sales promotion on consumer brand preference for mobile phone services in Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used, with data collected using a structured and semi-structured questionnaire. A multi-stage stratified random sampling was used to collect data from mobile phone service subscribers domiciled in Nairobi County. Of the 500 questionnaires administered, 387 subscribers responded, giving a response rate of 77.4%. Correlation analysis was used to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. Regression analysis was used to test the study’s hypotheses using F and T-tests. The study revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between sales promotion and consumer brand preference for mobile phone services in Kenya. The study concluded that sales promotion is a significant factor in influencing consumer brand preference for a mobile phone service. Marketers in the mobile telecommunication services industry need to effectively utilize sales promotion with the aim of creating awareness, influencing consumers to form positive attitudes towards their brands and generating immediate sales of their brands.


Key Words: Voice Traffic, Sales Promotion, Brand Preference, Mobile Phone Service 

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