This study aimed at finding out the impacts of strategic factors on service delivery by county governments in Kenya. To derive the clear research problem home, the study adopted four independent variables which included; strategic planning, strategic orientation, strategic environmental scanning and strategic leadership. To bring out a clear understanding of the research problem, the study adopted specific theories that best describes the study variables. The theories included; the classic 4-step theory, transformational leadership theory, the trait theory of leadership, resource based theory, SWOT analysis model and SERVQUAL model. The study employed a descriptive survey research design which helped to get the deeper understanding of need for quality service delivery by the county governments. The target population comprised of employees in Nairobi County government. The county was considered appropriate due to its accessibility. Stratified random sampling was adopted to obtain respondents to be involved in the study. The data was collected by use of questionnaires which were delivered to the respondents’ point of work and collected at an agreed time. The data was then analysed by use of SPSS version 21. The study established that strategic planning, strategic leadership, strategic orientation and strategic environmental scanning were greatly related to service delivery at the county government. The study further established that the services delivered at the county level were not efficient and effective due to lack of adoption of strategic factors which increased unprofessionalism and thus encouraging mismanagement. The findings from the study will enable the county government managers to identify the key areas to focus on so as to enhance quality service delivery. The study concluded that service delivery at the county governments was poorly and inequitably done which affected the development of the county governments. The study recommended increased adoption of strategic factors and training to enhance efficiency and competency among the county workers.
Key terms: Strategic Planning, Strategic Leadership, Strategic Orientation, Strategic Environmental Scanning, Service Delivery
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