Kajiado North Sub-County (KNSC) has exhibited a demographic transformation akin to a cosmopolitan city. With different communities in-migrating to KNSC, which was traditionally the ancestral land to the Maasai Community, conflicts are bound to erupt due to a number of factors. The purpose of the study was to change the paradigm of Peace-Building from being an adult spearheaded process to a Youth driven process. Conflict is a holistic phenomenon and a virus which affects every facet of community life and every person regardless of their age, gender, or status. As long as people live around each other, they find their opinions and actions in conflict with each other’s. Hall (1969) defines conflict as essentially the circumstances; both emotional and substantive, which can be brought about by the presence of differences between parties who for whatever reason, are in forced contact with each another. For Williams (1947), conflict is a struggle over values (distributive or non-distributive) in which the immediate aims of the opponents are to neutralize, injure or eliminate their rivals. On the other hand, Deutsch’s (1991) argument is that, conflicts are power struggles over differences; differing beliefs, interests, values or abilities to secure needed resources. Conflict is inevitable however, what becomes a concern is the magnitude and the consequences or dealing with the aftermath. The term conflict has been used where there is evidence of either the destruction of property or bloodshed and death. However, in this research project, Peace-Building was used as a pre-emptive and preventive approach against conflict. Peace-Building in this project envisaged an activity between the Maasai Community and the In-migrant Communities. Whenever an individual or individuals from different community or communities migrate to settle among a different community, there are bound to be suspicions and, mistrusts which more than often lead to conflicts.
Key Words: Mainstream Youth Initiatives, Peace-Building Process
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