The purpose of the study was to establish the determinants of procurement process enhancement of supplies in public hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The target population for the study was 100 supply chain officers. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. The quantitative data was entered into SPSS for analysis. Factor analysis was then applied to reduce the data which was finally used for analysis. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques were used. It was notable that there exists a relationship between indepedent variables and depedent variable with a correlation coefficent of 0.850. The coefficient of determination was between zero and one. The data showed that the high R square as 0.725. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 72.25% variation in the procurement process enhancement while the remaining 27.75% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This implied that these variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost procurement process enhancement in the public hospitals in Kenya. .The study was a milestone for further research in the field of procurement performance in state corporations in Africa and particularly in Kenya. The findings demonstrated the important factors to enhancement of procurement efficiency to include; procurement audit, inventory management, ethical issues and ICT. The current study should therefore be expanded further in future in order to determine the effect of procurement legal framework on procurement process enhancement in the public hospitals in Kenya.
Key Words: Inventory Management, Procurement Audit, Ethical Practices, Information Communication Technology, Procurement Process, Public Hospitals
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