Service delivery in the Public Sector in Kenya has over the decades continued to face challenges. The foremost obstacles to service delivery in the public sector had been identified with inefficient exploitation and use of public resources and a largely lethargic public service. These obstacles have a direct bearing on policy and project implementation and the conduct of public servants, which in turn, affect overall performance and service delivery. The introduction of various policies for instance performance contracting as well as measurement and evaluation has not yielded expected results. There is hence a need to focus approach on other strategies to improve service delivery in the public sector. The study focused on the influence of resourcing strategies on service delivery at the Directorate of Personnel Service Management in Kenya. The study specifically focused on talent acquisition strategy, compensation strategy, employee performance management strategy and human capital development strategy. The theories that were used in the study were the McKinsey 7s Framework, Guest model, Vroom’s Expectancy theory and Resource Based theory. The study adopted a descriptive study design in order to bring out the relationships between the variables. The target population for this research study was 662 respondents from all the Divisions of DPSM namely Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Management Consultancy, Performance Contracting, Public Service Transformation and Administration Support. Out of the 662, the study sampled 243 respondents. Stratified random sampling was used to sample the 243 respondents. Descriptive statistics such as, mean and frequencies and inferential statistics (regression and correlation analysis) was used to perform data analysis. A multiple linear regression analysis model was used and study findings revealed that all resourcing strategies that is talent acquisition strategy, compensation strategy, employee performance management strategy and human capital development strategy had a positive and significant relationship with service delivery at the Directorate of Personnel Service Management in Kenya. The study recommends that the DPSM should invest more in talent acquisition strategy practices, compensation strategy practices, employee performance management strategy practices and human capital development strategy practices as these resourcing strategy practices improve service delivery in the organization.
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