In all economies, including Kenya, banking industry plays an important role as economic stimulus and distribution of growth in the economy. Commercial banks channel funds from depositors to investors and in the process link fundamental economic players of a country. Due to its role, numerous studies have been done on various banking fields. Be that as it may, there is a dearth of studies investigating the impact of deposits, loans, income diversification and financial leverage in financial performance of listed banks in Kenya. To this effect, this study sought to fill in the gap by studying the effects of the specific internal factors on performance of the listed commercial banks. Using cost of deposit, asset quality, Herfndahl Hirschmann Index (HHI) and debit ratio as proxies of the respective internal factor and return on equity as the measure of the bank performance, the main objective was the establish the significance relationship between these factors and bank performance. The study was based on pecking order, trade off, modern portfolio, Modigliani and Miller theories. Descriptive research design was incorporated involving 10 commercial banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) over a period of study stretching from 2007 to 2016. Random effects panel regression model was used in the analysis. The findings are expected to inform the players in the industry and governmental agencies. The findings indicated that deposits, loans and financial leverage have significant impact on the performance of the listed banks. Income diversification has no significant effects of bank performance. The study recommends a comprehensive policy framework to regulate interest rates and to maintain asset quality. Lastly, the study recommends the banks to sufficiently use internal funds before considering debt-financing.
Key Terms: Deposits, Loans, Income Diversification, Financial Leverage
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