The study sought to determine the influence of electronic business practices on the performance of supermarkets in Kenya. The study used a descriptive research design and was conducted across supermarkets in Nairobi City County, which were 144 in total. The unit of observation was the managers in charge of operations. The study conducted a census. SPSS version 21 was used to facilitate data analysis. The data showed that the high R square was 0.620. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 62.00% variation in the performance of supermarkets while the remaining 38.00% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This implied that these variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost performance of supermarkets. The study recommended for usage of Electronic business systems to provide a supportive role for human resource activities to improve organizational (or personal) efficiency and effectiveness. The use of E-sourcing improves the strategic procurement processes, especially in terms of supplier selection and qualification. During e-sourcing, e-tendering can also be conducted. There is need for the organizations to use Electronic payment for goods, services, and bills/invoices using paperless cash through gadgets such as mobile device (such as a mobile phone, smart-phone, or Personal Digital Assistant) by taking advantage of wireless and other communication technologies (such as mobile telecommunications networks, or proximity technologies). E-marketing influences the traditional way of marketing, increasing effectiveness as well as efficiency in functions and strategies of traditional marketing. This change brings about new plans of action that increase or add value to the profitability of a company. The study recommended for usage of e-catalogue, e-promotion, e-price list and online marketing according for the buyer to choose the product and or services from .
Key Words: e-Inventory Management, e-Sourcing, e-Payment, e-Marketing, Supermarkets in Kenya
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