Peter Butali Sabwami


Thecurrentstudyexaminedtherelationshipbetweenhighperformanceworkpracticeson organizationalperformanceas moderated by the three element of organizational commitment. Wefoundthat the relationship between highperformanceworkpractices (suchastraining and development,participation and involvement,performanceappraisal) on organizationalperformance was moderated by the three element of organizational commitment (             affective, continuance and normative commitment). Resultsextendknowledgeaboutstrategichumanresourcemanagementandsuggesttheneed forfurtherstudiestoidentifyotherpossibilitiesthatmayattenuatethegeneral applicationofthesevaluedpractices.

Keywords:OrganizationalPerformance;HighPerformanceWorkPractices; Organizational Commitment

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Bae, J., Chen, S., David, W.T., Lawler, J. J., and Walumbwa, F.O. (2003), ‘Human Resource Strategy and Firm Performance in Pacific Rim Countries,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14, 1308–1332.

Baron, J. N., and Kreps, D. M. (1999), Strategic Human Resources: Frameworks for General Managers, Chichester: John Wiley.

Becker, B., and Gerhart, B. (2006), ‘The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects,’ Academy of Management Journal, 39, 779–801.

Berg, P. (1999), ‘The Effects of High Performance Work Practices on Job Satisfaction in the United States Steel Industry,’ Relations Industries, 54, 1, 111–134.

Cappelli, P., and Neumark, D. (2001), ‘Do High-performance Work Practices Improve Establishment-level Outcomes?,’ Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54, 4, 737–775.

Colbert, B.A. (2004), ‘The Complex Resource-based View: Implications for Theory and Practices in Strategic Human Resource Management,’ Academy of Management Review, 29, 3, 341–358.

Delaney, J.T., and Huselid, M.A. (2002), ‘The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance,’ Academy of Management Journal, 39, 4, 949–969.

Delery, J.E., and Doty, D.H. (2006), ‘Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management: Tests of Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Performance

Predictions,’ Academy of Management Journal, 39, 802–835.

Guthrie, J. P. (2001), ‘High-involvement Work Practices, Turnover, and Productivity: Evidence from New Zealand,’ Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1, 180–190.

Harley, B. (2002), ‘Employee Responses to High Performance Work System Practices: An Analysis of the AWIRS95 Data,’ Journal of Industrial Relations, 44, 3, 418–434.

Huselid, M.A. (2006), ‘The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance,’ Academy of Management Journal, 38, 635–672.

Lepak, D.P., and Snell, S.A. (1999), ‘The Human Resource Architecture: Towards a Theory of Human Capital Allocation and Development,’ Academy of Management Journal, 24, 31– 48.

Lu, Y. (2000), ‘Taitai Pharmaceutical’s Chairman Baoguo Zhu on Entrepreneurial Success,’ Academy of Management Executive, 14, 1, 12–18.

Luo, Y., and Park, S.H. (2001), ‘Strategic Alignment and Performance of Market-seeking MNCs in China,’ Strategic Management Journal, 22, 2, 141–155.

MacDuffie, J.P. (2004), ‘Human Resource Bundles and Manufacturing Performance: Organization Logic and Flexible Production Systems in the World Auto Industry,’Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 48, 2, 97–221.

Masterson, S.S., Lewis, K., Goldman, B.M., and Taylor, M.S. (2000), ‘Integrating Justice and Social Exchange: The Differing Effects of Fair Procedures and Treatment on Work Relationships,’ Academy of Management Journal, 43, 738–748.

Park, H.J., Mitsuhashi, H., Fey, C.F., and Bjorkman, I. (2003), ‘The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Japanese MNC Subsidiary Performance: A Partial Mediating Model,’ The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14, 8, 1391–1406.

Pfeffer, J. (2006), Competitive Advantage through People, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Pfeffer, J. (1998), The Human Equation, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Schuler, R.S., and Jackson, S.E. (1987), ‘Linking Competitive Strategies with Human Resource Management Practices,’ the Academy of Management Executive, 1, 3, 207–219.

Snell, S.A., Youndt, M.A., and Wright, P.M. (2000), ‘Establishing a Framework for Research in Human Resource Management: Merging Resource Theory and Organizational Learning,’Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 14, 61–90.

Tomer, J.F. (2001), ‘Understanding High-performance Work Systems: The Joint Contribution of Economics and Human Resource Management,’ Journal of Socio-Economics, 30, 63–73.

Tsui, A.S., Bian, Y., and Cheng, L. (2006), China’s Domestic Private Firms: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Management and Performance, New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Wagner, J.A. (2002), ‘Participation’s Effect on Performance and Satisfaction: A Reconsideration of Research Evidence,’ Academy of Management Review, 19, 312–330.

Wang, D., Tsui, A.S., Zhang, Y., and Ma, L. (2003), ‘Employment Relationships and Firm

Performance: Evidence from an Emerging Economy,’ Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 511–535.

Way, S.A. (2002), ‘High Performance Work Systems and Intermediate Indicators of Firm

Performance within the US Small Business Sector,’ Journal of Management, 28, 6, 765– 785.

Wright, P.M., and McMahan, G.C. (2001), ‘Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Human Resource Management,’ Journal of Management, 18, 295–320.

Wright, P.M., and Snell, S.A. (2005), ‘Toward a Unifying Theory for Exploring Fit and Flexibility in Strategic Human Resource Management,’ Academy of Management Review, 23, 756–772.

Youndt, M.A., Snell, S.A., Dean, J.W. Jr., and Lepak, D.P. (2006), ‘Human Resource Management, Manufacturing Strategy, and Firm Performance,’ Academy of Management Journal, 39, 4, 836–866.



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